I had been debating (in my head) for a long time if I should post this or not, but here it goes. After all, this is what I think and believe in and I can express my opinion without anyone's consent. Before you read this, I'm NOT saying you should do what I do. It clearly depends on what kind of a personality you have. If you're sarcastic, emotional and nice (preferably a Cancer)...you know how I feel.
First of all I'd like to say that I have never been a confident person. I always compared myself to others, seeking their approval. I would scream and yell at times, although I would usually back down. It's not all about confidence when you're fighting with people or just stating your beliefs. It's about not giving a damn and knowing when to ignore certain things. Something happened to me less than a month ago and that literally changed me. One single event. All I wish to tell you is that it had to do something with a 'friend'. Since then, I haven't been over-emotional and many things have happened which would usually upset me, but they didn't. Why? Because I learned how not to give a crap about irrelevant things and people. I'm confident enough to share 'my tips' with you guys...
1. If you have negative people in your life, REMOVE THEM. Try not to ignore them, simply push them into the background. If you're a "meaner" person, push them away as far as possible - they'll definitely notice. If you're a "nicer" person start pushing them away slowly, so they won't figure out it at first. Or you know, you can just say f-you, I don't need a Grinch in my life.
2. Channel your inner Nicki Minaj and Snoop Dog. As stupid as it sounds, that helped me a lot. You don't have to necessarily channel these two! When you're getting over-emotional, think about someone who is incredibly sassy and someone who is really, really calm. Try mixing those two together and what reaction they would have. For example: if someone's trying to pick a fight with me over a stupid thing, I'm speaking slowly and nicely, with a spark of sass (but don't insult).
3. You have to live with yourself 24/7. They don't. They can't read your mind or emotions. But you can! So learn how to make your feelings & mentality a priority.
4. Say what you think! Don't quiet down just because you think they'll disapprove of your opinion. It's good to be quiet at times, depending on the situation, though.
5. Don't compare yourself to others!!! We are all unique. I personally hate it when someone says to me "Be the better person. Stop fighting," uh, honey, no! You do you.