The Liebster Award
As if today's day wasn't good enough, I found out that I was nominated for The Liebster Award, thanks to Emily. I've heard of this before, but I wasn't completely aware what it really means. Long story short - it's a cute award for blogs with under 200 followers.
The rules are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the questions they sent you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers to answer your set of questions (they have to have under 200 followers)
4. Contact them and explain the instructions
The questions that I had...
Here are my questions.
-What is your favourite clothing piece?
-Do you have a fashion/beauty crush?Who?
-What was the first fashion magazine you purchased?
-What did you want to be when you were five years old?
-Have you ever watched America's Next Top Model?
-Where do you see yourself in ten years?
-Would you want to work in beauty/fashion industry?
-With which famous brand/fashion designer would you want to work with?
-Would you rather a) design clothes for a fashion show b) be a model in a fashion show
c) do makeup for models d) be the director of the fashion show ?
-Shoes or bags?
-Favourite blogger?
The bloggers I've nominated.
SimplySara (
Moss & Mink (
Jamie's Vocal Venture (
Simple.Sassy.Sultry. (
Beautifie (
Jordan Cathleen (
Josie Weekly (
Amanda's Blog (
Girl In The Tribly Hat (
Francesca Beauty (
Isabella (
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