So you've decided to open a blog! Nicely done. In this post I wont't be specifically be talking about fashion or beauty blogs, but blogs of any kind.
Finding a topic that you'll be writing about is the main thing. Think about what you like. Is it cars, DIY, motherhood, school tips or just simply writing your thoughts down, like a journal or a diary. Remember something you love to do and talk about.
Making money shouldn't be your priority at first. You should start making your blog 'visible' to the public. I suggest you open many accounts (and be active on them) on different social media sites - Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin and so on. Finding readers is the difficult part. You need to check out tons of blogs, comment on their newest post and then invite them to maybe check out yours.
For example, if I see a comment like 'Hey! Love your blog, check out mine and follow me!' I immediately think to myself that this is one desperate blogger, and I don't check out their blog. Writing something that is connected with that post, making them know that you've actually read it, sharing a memory of yours or something like that and THEN adding the part where you suggest checking out your blog, is way better.
After you start writing posts on your blog, don't stop. When people follow your blog, your latest post will appear on their home page (on Bloglovin). You should consider making the title interesting, something that attracts the eye. Ask yourself, what would YOU be interested in looking and reading?
A picture can tell a thousand words - but not in the blogging world. People actually prefer to see your writing skills than the pictures they've taken. But it's also good to include pictures in every post, because it goes easy on the eyes. You don't need a professional camera for a start, your phone can do the trick. Things to consider while taking pictures: mind the lighting. You don't want it completely black or bright like the sun. You're looking for a balance, something in between.
Shaky and messy pictures aren't fabulous either. If the lighting doesn't suit you and makes your picture look like a five year old took it, wait for the perfect lighting. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and see that there is a beautiful sun outside, so I take everything out and take pictures.
This is also the next thing you should give it a thought - the difference between indoor and outdoor photos. In 99% the pictures will look better outside.
Once you have your readers/followers, you want to be in a 24/7 contact with them. Reply to their comments/questions and talk to them. Post it on Twitter and other social media. Let them know that you wrote a new article and you would like them to read it and write down their opinion. Visit their blogs and read what they wrote. You will realise how interesting people of the internet are and that you can write something like them. But don't copy it, be unique.
As I said before, you want your blog to be easy on the eyes. Check out few tutorials on youtube or on blog help blogs to find out how to make simple graphics for your blog. I learned the basic things when I was eleven, so why wouldn't you? Once again, you don't need professional theme or banners, not unless you're absolutely sure your blog needs it.
Set up few challenges. 'I will have ten new followers by the end of the week' or 'I will write twelve posts in six days' is a great way of raising up the positivity. Five days after I opened my blog, I hit 200 views in just one day. My current challenge is to get 1000 followers and to make a giveaway. At first, you should consider making the challenges realistic, but in time, believe in yourself and convince your mind that you're capable of doing anything.
Writer's block happens to all of us. When I was younger, I opened at least three blogs but eventually stopped writing them, because I was lazy as hell. But now I started to enjoy in writing them, which is probably the main goal. If your imagination area is still blocked and empty, you might wanna check out these 15 blog post ideas.
Let people know who you are. Create an 'About me' page and tell every thing you can remember about yourself. Leave your email(make an email dedicated to your blog) in case they have some offers or they want to work with you.
Having a constant contact with your readers is super important. Make an offer with one of the blogs that you like, to promote them (chose a blog that follows you) and ask them if they'd be willing to promote you back. That's how you will gain few of their readers.
This next step is for those who have 1k+ followers. Contact shops or sites that aren't that big(don't expect to work with Dior or Apple), and ask them if they'd be willing to work with you. Some shops will sent you their products and you will do a review on them, some will give you great offers for your followers. But be aware, that there will be tons of shops that will say no (or maybe you will get lucky). Don't give up!
If you'd like me to write more posts like this, please comment below :)