Youtube, travelling, positivity & much more!

by - 15:38

Even though I promised at least a dozen times to post more...well, we all know how that ends.
Anyhow! I'm super excited to tell you that I'm going to film my first youtube video tomorrow! I can't really tell you what's it going to be about, but I'm sure you're gonna like it. 
I'm also back home! I arrived about three weeks ago and I was super lazy. I had my first math test/exam today, and I was super stressed about it. I was studying for 2 weeks and I had a tutor - but I was freaking out today waaaay too much, and I think I had an anxiety attack. Well, let's hope for the best. 

I would probably still be all depressed and worried about my math exam result, but my good friend Anna texted me saying: 'Wanna go to Stockholm next month?'. And I got super excited, forgot about my worries in a split of a second. I love travelling, I've been to Canada, France, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Greece, Tunisia and the UK, but I wanna see the whole world! I recently got into Shut Up and Go - it's written by two best friends, Joanna and Damon. They also run a youtube channel, and I find them super hilarious! 

Some major things are going to change in my life very soon. Well, not 'so soon'. I'm fully committed to the idea 'Moving my ass to Scotland and star studying something really cool'. 
So me and my mom decided to visit few universities next year (Glasgow or Edinburgh, are you guys from there?). And also, our school is planing a trip to the Netherlands (Amsterdam) in April - count me in! 

So, the point of this post was...literally no idea. Perhaps just a check-in on my life? So, long story short, I'm starting a youtube account, probably going to Sweden and I'm going to do stuff that make me happy!

G-bye for now! ;) 

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