I wish, I wish, I could say I'm done with finals. But I'm not, because I have to pass oral examinations, which are due next week (and the week after).
So, what would a normal, sane, organized student do? Anything but study. I went to a party, slept over at a friend's house and binged on Bones, went to the city, ate Mexican 3x this week (hola, que pasa amigos? tortillas con salsa? muy bien!), and of course, started reading a book and found a new tv series, 'Anne with an E' - watched the first season in one day. If you couldn't tell, I'm dead serious about not studying.
I also decided to change my blog's name, probably because I was bored and wanted to desing a new header, but I also needed a personality change. I've been thinking about getting a tattoo since september 2016, something very simple, and I'm torn between getting a simple rose or the meaning of my name in arabic tattooeed somewhere on my body.
With all that free time I have, I've decided to visit Budapest, the capital of Hungary, at the end of July with one of my dearest and oldest friend. Why Budapest? I've been to Slovenia's neighbouring countries before, but I have never visited their capitals! On May 24th, exactly three days before one of my finals, I took the train headed towards Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, to visit my friend Minu, who was traveling through Europe (check out her blog!). After the visit I did some researching for cheap train tickets and I stumbled upon a crazy deal which I couldn't miss. A return ticket Ljubljana- Budapest- Ljubljana only costs 18 euros, if you reserve it a couple of weeks prior to your departure.
Oh, last but definitely not the least, I'm turning 19 in fifteen days. As I'm extremly fond of this 'holiday', be sure to expect a post solely dedicated to it.
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