Christmas Wish List

by - 12:45

Hello darlings!

I can't believe it's already December! I already put up lights in my room and christmas decorations, and I also bought tons of tea to keep me warm! But sadly, it isn't snowing in my country (just yet). I'm already listening to various christmas songs - 1950's, pop, french...and I'm also about to have a Christmas movie marathon. I was thinking about how Christmas felt when I was younger and how it feels now. Currently I'm stressed out because I have lots of exams in December, so I have to study 24/7. But when I'm not thinking about school or stressing if I'm going to fail, I like to think about the whole joyful atmosphere that occurs in winter time. The smell of hot chocolate, pretty lights,  cheerful songs, gingerbreads, candles, sweaters...When I was younger, I couldn't wait for Santa Claus. I remember even waiting for him once, and eventually I feel asleep. 

So here's an update on my life currently! For past few weeks I've been listening to Taylor Swift's 1989 album and I absolutely adore it, because I think she really evolved as a performer and song writer. My all time favourite are Wonderland and Blank Space. My mom got me One Direction's new album, Four (well, I actually got it from "Saint Nicholas"), and I'm in love with all of the songs - but I think I already have a favourite, Act My Age. I'm currently reading Allegiant, which is the third and the last book of the Divergent book series, and when I read it, I'll start reading Let It Snow (I mentioned it here). Oh, and I also spent the past week at my grandma's! We had lots of fun, though I left the house everyday at 6.30am and came back at about 4.30pm from school.....
I also spent a lot of time watching youtube videos(christmas&winter time themed), and I figured out why don't I make a post like that!

Nikon d3200 | I remember getting my first camera when I was about 10 or 11, I was so damn excited about it. Don't get me wrong - I love my iPhone, and the quality of the pictures is amazing, but I really want to start a youtube account and become a youtuber, and that's why I want to have a good camera.

Make Up: Michelle Phan | If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I absolutely adore this woman and  I want her book so badly. I'm really happy for her in general, releasing her book, having her own personal makeup line...amazing! 

Naked 2: Urban Decay | I remember when I was using a barbie lipstick when I was like 8 years old. And now I'm here, using all sorts of makeup! I'd have to say that eyeshadows are my weakness; I always have to buy one if I go somewhere. I've been craving this palette for quite a while, or really anything by this brand.

Girl Online: Zoe Sugg | At first I thought this was a book about her life and how she became successful and famous, but when what was book about I was impressed! 
"Penny has a secret. Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family - and the panic attacks she's suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog. But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever."

What is on your Christmas wish list? 

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