Winter Wonderland

by - 10:20

I found myself having some trouble sleeping; I wake up few times at night, and even if I go to bed at 1am, I always wake up at 8am or 9am! Which resolves in taking numerous naps throughout the day. 
I've been so obsessed with this app called Village Families 2, is anyone playing it? Anyhow, I woke up today at around 8am, and the first thing I did, was checking how my little people are doing in Village Families, then I went on a date in the Kim Kardashian game (I'm seriously thinking about dumping my boyfriend because we've been on at least one billion dates and he still hasn't proposed!). 
Oh, I forgot to mention - we went to visit our family friends yesterday, and I took a book with me, in case I would be bored. And I actually read one of the three stories (I'm reading Let It Snow), but not because I was bored, because I was really enjoying it!  
Back to the main story - today, at about 9.30am, I decided to take my dog out for a walk, and it was amazing, because there weren't a lot of people outside. 

Is it snowing where you live? 
I'll be stalking on my followers, so make sure to comment below & I'll check out your blog! :)

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