Morning routine for school 2015 (winter)

by - 09:11

We all had to take a deep breath, close our eyes for a moment, and get up on our feet. Why? Because we had to survive the first Monday in 2015. I dealt with it in a relaxing way; I only took one notebook (which ended up being a sketch book, as usual) to school with me. I didn't feel like doing anything, because I simply didn't want to be there. But as we all know, school is important, even though you might hate your existence at the end of the day.
Naturally I couldn't handle the whole 'getting up at 6am' thing, so I decided to stay in my bed today. Then I also figured that I should study, which I'm about to do after I finish this post.

The first thing in the morning I do is...try to quiet down my killer instincts. I've been having an amazing experience during my sleep time, and my alarm clock usually ends the idealistic fantasy world. I'm that kind of a person that has to get up in less than 5 seconds after waking up, or else I'm going to convince myself to go back to bed and sleep all day.
 After successfully getting on my feet, I find my way to the bathroom. It's very dark outside, considering I get up at 6am. When I reach the bathroom, I switch the lights on. That's when I feel like a vampire, because I get blinded and I immediately start to hiss.

I'm kind of a perfectionist, so I always make sure that I calculate every single thing. How long is going to take to put make up, to eat breakfast, etc. I don't spend a lot of time in the bathroom, so after three minutes or so I go back to my room where I start applying my makeup, which usually takes about 20 minutes. I was thinking about doing my Morning Makeup routine - would you be interested in that?

After battling with my mascara and my winged-eye thing, I stomp off to the kitchen. I tend to eat healthy and very little in the morning. I've been eating oatmeal since last summer, and I've been loving it so far, but the preparation isn't the fastest one, so I rarely eat oatmeal for breakfast on week days. Yesterday I purchased packed porridge with chocolate, and I tried it out today - I love it and highly recommend it! As I said, I have very little time in the morning for breakfast (about ten minutes). So I usually eat black bread with cheese or a banana, an apple, a yoghurt...
If I find myself some time, I make myself some coffee or tea.

This is the view from my kitchen window, isn't it amazing? This photo was taken at around 9am, so when I'm eating my breakfast at 6.30am, It doesn't look anything like this.

How does your morning look like? I was also wondering, if you understand everything that I'm saying (english is not my mother language). What should be my next post? :) 

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