Getting Your Blog to The Spotlight

by - 19:48

After doing a short research, I've found out that you guys like reading my blogging tips. I've been blogging for about two years now, but I have this blog since August 2014. I try to find different ways to help my followers/readers, and I also've been following up with some blogs that offer very useful blogging tips as well. 

Use Bloglovin | This is a great site for getting your blog noticed. You can also follow bunch of other blogs, and their newest post will be shown. Every time you post something, that post will be automatically added to your Bloglovin page, and your followers will know about it.

Be Active On Social Media | As I said in my previous posts like this, being active on a page that is dedicated to your blog is the key. It's really good to have a Twitter account, and it doesn't even have to be completely devoted to your blog. I really recommend creating a Facebook site for your blog when you reached more than 300 or 400 followers. 

Use #bbloggers and #fbloggers | Only if you're on Twitter. When you publish a new post, make sure to let your followers know that. Your tweet should look something like this: Short description or the title of the post + post link + #bbloggers #fbloggers ('I just did a Halloween tutorial, come and check it out! http://… #bbloggers #fbloggers. And what do these hashtags actually stand for? Beauty bloggers(bbloggers) and Fashion bloggers(fbloggers). When you use these two hashtags, a lot of beauty&fashion addicts can see your tweet if they look for these two hashtags (and believe me, a lot of people do!).

Tag Bloggers in Your Tweet | There are some very nice people who make sure that your blog doesn't go unnoticed. For example, I like to tag Blogging Gals(@bloggingals) and Female Blogger(@FemaleBloggerRT). What they do is pretty easy: they simply re-tweet your tweet and more than 8,000 people see it.

Find New Blogs | It isn't that hard. Simply click a profile of a random follower of yours, and check their followers. Voila! Make sure that you comment their posts(and before that, check out how often they post. If the last post was made more than a month should find another blog). But don't be weird about it, commenting things such as 'Follow for follow?', because nobody likes that. Read their content or just share your opinion:)

Post Frequently | I know it's hard balancing school work(or job), having a social life and running a blog(not to mention getting enough sleep!). But be consistent about it. I try to publish at least 4 times a week.

That is all for today's post! Are any of these tips helpful to you? Do you have any tips for me?

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