MAKEUP SERIES: 3 eyeliners, 3 reviews.

by - 14:46

Despite the fact that I should've been studying for the past two days, I still procrastinate. I was working on blog design and basically creating things for the whole two days, so that meant that there is no time for going out and being social, not to mention to at least open a textbook or two.
My favourite makeup product doesn't exist, and it took me a long time to come to the terms with that. It's like I was a cat obsessed woman(which I am) and they would offer me 1 million dollars to tell them which is my favourite cat. No can do. But I do tend to buy too many eyeshadows and mascaras, and that's all I'm going to say.
Dip Eyeliner My friend lend me this eyeliner once, and that was about two years ago, when my winged eye looked like I wanted to join a racoon society. But now that I know how to properly use it, I like to use it as often as possible. I like the fact that it rarely wears off. I go to gym at least four times a week, so ruining my makeup is one of my struggles that I have to deal with. But this eyeliner is actually great even for beginners, so I really recommend it to all of you who are starting off with makeup.

Swinging London | When my aunt comes from Paris, she always brings goodies for me (usually makeup). And the last time she visited us, she brought me tons of makeup products by the line called My Little Beauty. What I like about this eyeliner is that it isn't a liquid one. But it has it's con: after few days of using it, the color turns grey. You have to put on more layers to get the fabulous black one.

Colour X-Pert Funny thing is, that I didn't know until now that this eyeliner is actually a waterproof one! I got this one in that last days of August, just before the school started. I have to admit I haven't been using it a lot, because it doesn't wear off. At the same time that is a good thing, because my winged line is still perfect even after I've been sweating for an hour or two, but then again, when I remove my makeup before bedtime, I still look like half diva (that's because half of it can be removed, while the other half decides to stick with me forever). 

What are your favourite eyeliners? Have you tried any of these?

Last but not least, you have to check out my friend's makeup tutorial, which is autumn themed. She is one of my favourite bloggers and I love talking to her about literally everything. 

I also published my very first freebie, which you can download here. I also started doing blog design, and if you're interested in renovating your blog, contact me at any time. 

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