Make Your Blog More Professional!

by - 22:38

It felt really good seeing that you were all interested in recent posts about improving your blogging skills, so I decided to do a similar post. But this time, I'm going to show you four different HTML codes that are useful at all times.

1. Basic Table Code | If you want to categorise your posts, you can do it in a 'stylish' way.




(click on the picture to make it larger)

Use this code: 

<table border="1" style="width:200px;">

2.  Link, Same Window | If you want to direct your readers on a new page that will open in the same window as is your blog currently opened.

Use this code: 
<a href="the adress of the page">Text</a>

3. Linking the table | Now that we have a code for the table and a link that will open in the same window, we can combine them.


4. Email Link | If you want to make a direct link to your email(that means, when someone clicks it, they will be automatically writing you an email instead of having to open Gmail and write your email address in).
Use this code:
<a href="mailto:your email adress">Text</a>
Were this tips useful to you? Do you have any codes you recommend?

**I found all of these codes here
***paste every singe code in the HTML. 

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