HOW TO: Get More Followers & Post More Often

by - 16:45

It's been ages since I've posted! To be honest, I've been lazy as well as I've been busy. Not to mention I wanted to pass all my tests in school AND wanting to keep a social life. Naturally, I had to neglect something. This time, the blog had to suffer. I have no idea how many followers I currently have, but even though I've been away for almost two weeks, you guys were actually constantly in my minds! I have to promise something - that is, to post more often! And for too long I haven't done a OOTD post or a makeup tutorial or something! 

So I do believe we have some catching up to do! I've read the second book of the trilogy Divergent, studied like hell, watched few seasons of Modern Family and tons of movies, and I actually did the home reading we had for school: Eugene Onegin (by Pushkin), an excellent book! 
I'm currently at home, because we have holidays here. 

The main thing about getting NEW followers you have to know is where to find them. Sites like Bloglovin, Twitter and Facebook are really useful. But beside that - get to know people that like the same things as you do! Visit new blogs, read their posts and comment on them and tell your opinion! Do that as much as possible! But please don't spam around with stuff like: Follow me back!??!, because let's face it, no one likes that. There are a lot of pros (actually I cannot imagine even one con) to commenting other people's blogs. You can get ideas from their posts or maybe even outfit ideas (what you're going to wear to school tomorrow).

I also love to hear feedbacks. So, if someone comments on your post, make sure that you reply to it. I always reply on their blog, on their newest article, first commenting the thing they were talking about, and then saying thank you for visiting/commenting my blog. 

Make sure that you always let them know how to find you - especially your blog, so just write your blog url at the bottom of the comment.

As for posting - make a schedule. Commit yourself to a goal. I suggest few things:
On days, when you have lots of time (usually the weekends), write more posts, but don't publish them all. Publish just one, and then save others as drafts and publish them day by day.

If you don't have a lot of time on the weekends, write something everyday. For example, do short posts on Wednesdays (maybe just pictures that you took in the past week, OOTD,...), then write a longer post on Thursday, then finish and publish it on Friday. 

The secret ingredient is: allocate your time. When you come from home/school, have something to eat. Then watch one episode/take a nap/ take your dog out for a walk/call your grandma or something that will take less than an hour and will relax. After that, do what you have to do (that's usually homework). If you have a big exam coming up in the next day(s), study as hard as possible, so you won't feel like you could've done more afterwards. And then make time for your blog

Write down the ideas you have on the day you have the most time (for me,that's usually Saturday), so you won't have to deal with that later.

I hope you liked these ideas! Do you have some tips for me? :) 
(pictures are from here)

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