Blogging 101: Sleep deprivation

by - 14:20

"Wake up every morning and tell yourself that you're a badass bitch from hell and that no one can fuck with you and then don't let anybody fuck with you" 

We all get to the point where we spend most of our time behind the computer screen, especially during the summer. You blog for a while on tumblr, check out few cool blogs, like few pictures on WeHeartIt, talk to your friends on Facebook, watch a season of your favourite show(yep, your read it right - a season!), watch some cool videos from Zoella, Troye Sivan and other cool youtube people....
And it's already 1am! How this could happen so fast? 

I usually go to bed at 11pm, but during holiday, even if I try to make it just doesn't. So many things to do! And it's great if you're tired at 1am, but...I'm usually not. Few weeks ago, I was blogging my life away, and accidentally looked at the time. It was 2.15am! I surprised myself, I admit it, it felt a bit rebellious. I remember trying to stay awake all night when I was a kid, we had loads of fun during sleepovers. We were sneaking around the house and stealing food from the kitchen, giggling and hoping that our parents won't caught us. I mean, who didn't do that?! And one night a year we were allowed to stay awake till midnight and maybe a little bit after it - New Year's! 
When I was in primary school, I used to sleep for 7-8 hours, usually because I woke up every morning 30minutes before the class started (I live 5minutes away from my primary school).

Last year I entered high school...for the first two months I got up at 5.40! How crazy is that?!
At the end of the school year, I got up at like 6.20, quickly got dressed and ran to the bust station, and usually be late for my first class which started at 7.30am. 
 I'm the lazy type of student, I love to procrastinate. When I come home, I jump right into my bed and watch and episode or two on my television, then I eat late lunch/early dinner, after that is computer time! Sometimes I play(more likely annoy) my brother and sister, take my dog out for a walk, talk to my friends and so on. At about 7pm I start to think about 'Hey, what about if I do something, like homework?', and I convince myself till 2 hours later, when I actually start working.
 I'm very lucky that I have a great memory. I start studying three days maximum before a test (for the first six months of high school I was studying for a week before it). I don't really know what kind of grades do you have in your country, but our grading system looks like this: 1 is the lowest grade, you cannot pass with it, while 5 is the highest. So: 5 - excellent (90-100%), 4- really good(80%-89%), 3-good(65%-79%), 2-sufficient(50%-64%), 1 - insufficient (0%-49%). I have a lot of 4's and 5's, sometimes a 3 or a 2 pop in, but I never got an insufficient grade!

What is my secret? People think that I study all the time. But I & my mum believe that I'm the worst student ever. I study from 8pm - 2am (sometimes, rarely, it happens that I actually study in the afternoon). And the result? Bags under my eyes, cravings for a coffee and yawning all the time.
But I can still function! And I'm not the only one, so, people, be impressed with what teenagers are able to do! Most of the nights I just collapse into my bed, while during summer...not so likely. So here are few tips.

1. Take a hot, but not to hot shower. Wear something cozy and nice. Lay into bed and turn all of the lights off.
2. Read a book. Eventually, your eyes will start to close, don't fight them.
3. Lay into your bed and start making your dreams. Don't overthink about what happened, just imagine cute scenarios of what could happen in the future.
4. Listen to music. But not that rock/crazy loud one. Create a special playlist, 'sleeping playlist'. Put on some soft, romantic, slow, maybe even sad music.
5. Turn off the computer, tv and phone. I know it's hard, but try it for once.

I really don't have anymore tips for you, because all of them usually do the trick for me. But if you STILL cannot fall asleep...screw it, go on Tumblr or Facebook and annoy people with your not-interested-in-sleeping phase.

1. Go back to sleep (if possible).
2. Do you like coffee? Good. Make yourself a gallon of coffee.
3. Put on earphones and listen to loud, happy and energetic music and sing.
4. Actually, turn the music on your computer as loud as possible and dance to it, pretending you're in a music video (until your family/neighbours slaughter you)
5. Don't hide the circles under your eyes. Show people that you haven't slept at all and that you're ready to kill at any moment.
6. Hope that today is halloween and that people will think that you're actually representing a zombie.
7. Eat candy.
8. Do 20 squats and try to do a pushup. If you fall to the ground, try not to fall asleep.
9. Learn the songs: 'When Will My Life Begin' (from Tangled) and 'For The First Time In Forever' (from Frozen). Sing them out loud.

So here are few tips(which I obviously know more, you're dealing with a pro here) that might help you. Do you have any tips for me?


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