Fashion blogger equipment

by - 14:26

If you'd stop five people on the street and ask them what do they have in their bags(and they would actually tell/show you), it would surprise you. You can learn a lot about a person if you grade their appearance. Business man are always the same - grey or black suit and a tie, looking very expensive. Classy, from higher class women usually have the perfect hairstyle and make-up, dressed in the more expensive brands (usually pushing a baby cart or walking a small Chihuahua). Then you have artistic people, with dreads and 'funny' dressed. When I was younger, I used to point fingers at them and ask my mom why are they dressed like that, and they would usually smile when they hear my question. I don't know why, but I always assume they are very friendly people who don't eat meat.
There a lot of kinds of people, cliques and so on.

Today I decided to tell you what I usually bring with me no matter wherever I am. I always take a bag with me - even if I take out only my phone or keys. It doesn't feel right just holding something in my hand non-stop. I have tons of bags, I think I might be obsessed with them! 
Don't be surprised by how many things I carry, because I usually take a lot of non-useful things along. I viewed quite a lot of videos & read magazine articles called fashion blogger equipment when I was younger, just to see if I can be one of them.

1. My Phone
Exactly one year ago I got iPhone 5. For the last seven years I've been adoring Apple products, and last year I actually got two (I got an MacBook Air, too). At first I used pretty much to take pictures, send texts and call people. Eventually I discovered this beautiful world filled with apps. I have tons of  apps (well, still under 20, but that's a lot for me). Now I still text and call people, but I mainly use apps. About a week ago I discovered Kim Kardashian: Hollywood app that seemed to be a big deal. And that is pretty much the only game that I have on my phone! My favourite apps are: Instagram, Snapchat, Aviary, InstaSize, Polyvore, Vogue and iTube.

2. iPod
I'm in love with my tiny, cute iPod! I think I got it for my birthday when I was 11, and that was the time that my dad try to inspire me for Apple. At first I didn't really know how to use it, it took me a year I think to start understanding the whole thing. I go to school by bus, so I have to listen to something. I have over 400 songs on it! 

3. Notebook
Didn't we all try to write a diary at some point? Eventually, I gave up. But I keep this one for small notes, sometimes even entries that are similar to my old diary's writings. I'm on a lot of social media sites, so all the passwords are written right there. If I see something interesting, I usually take a picture, but if my iPhone isn't somewhere near, I take a note.

4.  Pen & highlighter 
I take with me this adorable floral pen from Harrods, for taking notes and such. If you look at my school notes, everything is in colour. Colours and pictures make me study easier, so I tend to highlight a lot.

5. Body creme
During the winter, my skiing is very dry, so before going out I use cremes (my mom did that when I was a child, I guess it became a habit). But even if it's not winter, I like to use them to make my skiing more soft.

6. Makeup
When I have chapped lips, there is nothing better than a lipstick! I always keep at least one with me (usually I bring two or three). I take mascara with me just in case that my eyelashes won't look so big anymore, but that usually never happens. I like using liquid powder that is oil-free. But here's the plot: I never use powder! My skin is very nice to me, I don't have any pimples, never had. But just in case I haven't slept enough, I keep it with me.

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