6 tips to promote your blog & get more followers!

by - 20:06

1. Make a profile on Bloglovin
This is a great site to promote your blog and also to find blogs that are similar to yours. Once you follow people, their newest posts will appear on your homepage, and same thing will happen to all of you followers. They will be notified when you publish something new.

2. Open a Facebook page for your blog
This step is optional. I haven't decided if I want to open a Facebook page dedicated to my blog, because I'm not so sure if I want people I personally know visiting my blog. But for you, this is a great opportunity. Your friends and their friends will now see your Facebook page, and I guarantee that most of them will check out your blog!

3. Make a profile on Twitter

I've discovered that Twitter is actually more useful than Facebook. People, especially bloggers, tend to post more about their blogs and recent posts on Twitter. And plus, you get to stalk your favourite celebrities.

4. Leave comments on other blogs
It's always fun discovering other blogs and 'meeting' new people that share the same interests. I use Bloglovin to discover other blogs. In one of my previous posts I also mention how to comment to not make yourself too needy. Make sure that the author of the blog will know that you actually've read the post and gave it a thought. You might wanna check out this post.

5. Do a collaboration with other bloggers
Sometimes you get lucky, and meet a blogger who wants to talk to you about everything, and you develop a friendship. Even if you don't reach the friendship level, you can checkout their 'About me' page and discover if they do features. Or if they are willing to do a collaborations or things like that. For example, you dedicate a whole post to their blog, and they do the same for you. That's how their readers are now informed with your blog, and yours are informed with theirs.

6. Follow back people
Not that you can get inspired for new post, you get to meet completely new people from all over the world. This should be one of the most important steps just because people will know that you actually care.

picture is from here

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