Reasons Why Fall is Great!

by - 17:02

Summer is great, mainly because there is no school, no drama! We have been experiencing weird weather conditions for the past few days in my country, and it really feels like fall time. I've even read that it snowed in Canada! I can't help it, I'm already getting excited about Christmas and New Year's. I know it's a long time till then, but still it feels closer because of the cold. In case you aren't already excited about fall, here are some reasons why you should be!

1. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Do I need to say more? I'm that kind of type that drinks tea in the summer and eats ice-cream in the winter, but I still believe that a warm cup of tea belongs in the fall time. I like the 'real' hot chocolate - the one that tastes like a heated pudding (not the one which tastes like cacao). When I come home from school, I'm really tired. So it usually helps when I make myself a green tea.

2. Decorating your room. When summer happened, I started doing DIY's and completely re-organised my bedroom. I'm planning to change it completely in the next few days. I will probably buy some fake leaves and just put them up my wall, and I'm definitely going to find some tutorials on youtube. But the main thing? CANDELS! I can't wait to buy a Yankee candle!

3. Sweater Weather. If you live in a place like me, where temperatures change during the year, you get to have the perfect sweater weather. Comfy, big sweaters are the best. Not to mention scarfs! I'll have to pack up my summer outfits and put them away for now, and bring up soft,warm and cozy outfits.

4. Food. I might not be the biggest fan of pumpkin, and I'm not completely ready to leave watermelon behind, but I'm always up for trying new stuff. I found some cool recipes for you to try, and I was thinking of making a post about it(and actually making one of these delicious things!). Click here if you want to see 50 fall breakfast recipes!

5. Movie marathons. Have you spent your summer watching TV shows and movies like me? Yes? Am I not the only one? Hopefully I'm not! A big problem of mine is trying to find good movies to watch, or starting to watch new tv shows. Two or three weeks ago I started watching this new TV show called 'Outlander' and I really recommend it to all of you who love something historic, romantic and spiced up with sci-fi. Oh, and you will fall in love with Scotland as well. Beside that I'm watching Teen Wolf, Finding Carter, Call The Midwife, Downtown Abbey and Orange is The New Black. I can't wait for The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead and The Originals! Now let's talk about movies. I recommend you guys these movies: If I stay, Divergent, Maleficent, The Giver, Nightmare Before Christmas and Mulan.

6. New playlist. When I was a kid I hated running. But now, since we have to run in high school, I've grown to love it and decided to run more often. Of course I need to have few special playlists, and most of the songs I listen can be hear on the radio. But recently I started using this app called 8tracks, which has millions of playlists made by people with great taste. If you'd like to show me my playlist, comment below!

7. Fall Bucket List. Now I'm sure I'm not going to do all of these things, but I will do my best to do as many as possible! So if you want to join me, here is the list!

both images are from

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