How to become a good blogger & writing tips

by - 16:22

Hello beautiful readers!
First of a all, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while! Since school started, I've been doing everything but blogging or writing homework and studying, which is my first tip! You should definitely keep your readers updated and make sure to post at least one post a day (if you want to gain more recognition and more followers). A lot of my tips on successful blogging are already here. 

You should also be active on your social media sites - create a special page dedicated to your blog on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin...
Posting daily is the key. I know you may not have the time because of school or any other obligations,but at least try. Challenge yourself. Since I'm running a fashion blog, I should have been posting more fashion things related, and I'm planning to do few photo shots very soon.
It really depends on what kind of blog you have. Maybe you can spice it up with a simple DIY (you can find tons of them on Pinterest), or just do some personal tags(you can do a collaboration with your sister,friend,boyfriend...). Or just a simple message saying how your day has been.
Communication with your readers/followers is the number one thing that should be on your list! It's important to give them a reply or even a feedback on their blog. We all know that exploring the internet can get a bit freaky sometimes, so why don't you just check out your follower's blog.
If you have ran out of ideas for posts, do something that relaxes you. I usually go out with my dog without my phone, go running, talk to a friend, watch movies/tv shows and then I suddenly get inspired. Or maybe you should buy a piece of cake and then you can write a post about how wonderful cake tastes. Who knows. The sky ISN'T the limit.
Another thing - photography. I like to take quality pictures, but that can be hard sometimes due to weather condition(which is in relation with the lighting). As I said before, you DON'T need a professional camera. I use my iPhone(which is an expansive way though), but you can still ask your friend or family if they have better equipment than you.
Photos can be pretty on the eyes, and it adds up to the content, but text is the main thing here.

As for writing tips, I strongly recommend writing in literary language (no slang allowed), because 200% readers prefer that. You can bold the important parts(few words maximum) or underline them. You can also post few interesting links. Everyone has its own writing style, so I can't really give you guide lines on how you should write. If you have at least one reader, you're on the right way! They already like you because of YOU. 

I hope you liked this post and if you got inspired or something, I would really love to know!

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