DIY: Tumblr look notebooks! (Back To School)

by - 11:23

I start school on September the 1st. So that gives me two weeks to get completely ready for classes. I always get excited before it, I watch High School Musical and think that this year is going to be completely different! I'm going to study more, do homework and so on (but that usually never happens).
I remember that last year I was watching Bethany Mota's videos (her youtube name is macbarbie07), and it got me pumped up for the first day of school. Now a year has passed and I discovered tons of other you tubers (mostly beauty gurus), and I usually just type in Youtube 'My School Morning Routine', and I see few cute videos. Then I stalk these persons for a bit and eventually subscribe to them. But this time I decided to do some DIY! I recently joined Pinterest and my summer resolution is to do more of DIY. Without further a due, this is my first DIY!

Things you will need:

  • a notebook
  • liquid glue for paper
  • printed pictures
  • a white piece of paper

First, pick a boring notebook. I didn't want to see these stripes after I glue pictures on the notebook, so I decided to glue on a white piece of paper first to cover it up. Put some liquid glue on the first page of the notebook.

Now take that white piece of paper and carefully place it on the the notebook.

Find some cute pictures, or even use your own. I found mine on WeHeartIt and Tumblr, but I also used some personal pictures from Instagram. Print them out and make sure that they are small so you will be able to fit around 15 pictures for a cover.

Cut those pictures out as you like. Start planning the structure of the layout (which pictures are going to be together, which colours go together and so on).

Organize the pictures and create something like this. Now just simply glue them on and you're done!

Did you like this DIY? :)

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