What's in my bag?

by - 09:57

Good morning everybody!
For today's post I decided to show you what I usually carry around. Since I start school on Monday, September 1st (boo!), this is a pre-school edition. I'm going to my second year of highschool / grammar school, and I'm not very excited about it. But I get to spend the last three days of summer break the way I want to - in my bed, watching tv series, taking my dog out for long walks, listening to loud music and taking naps through the day.

I'm obviously taking my makeup with me, because sometimes I tend to laugh a lot and ruin my winged eyeliner or something. This is just the basic stuff, during school time I carry more things with me. But for the past few months I've been carrying these things with me: long lasting powder, eyeliner, concealer, mascara and my lipgloss.

I can't do a lot of things if I don't have my wallet with me! I got this one three years ago for my birthday, and it still looks like new. I have a lot of things in my wallet, mainly bills.

If the day is going to be long or if I'm going to be out for a while, I bring a deodorant with me. You know, just in case.

My iPod! I don't go anywhere without it. I think I got it about five years ago, but it still works perfectly! I never go to the bus without it, I literally use it every day.

My iPhone charger isn't the most important thing, in fact, I don't carry it with me that often. But once again, just in case.

For me it is important to stay hydrated. I always have water with me, it rarely happens that I bring a juice (like Arizona). I drink at least 3 litters of water per day.

During school time I take notebooks and things like that for my classes, but through the whole year I started to bring less things with me (for example, in June which was the month before Summer break, I only took one or maybe two notebooks and a pen!).
I also have a question for my readers! Could you recommend me any useful and trustworthy site, because I need to buy a new, quality and not-so-expensive bag? I'd like it to be black, similar to the one that is shown in the first picture.

Thank you for reading this post! :)

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