Healthy body, healthy mind

by - 20:35

It's nice to hear that you have a healthy diet - but can you maintain it? The secret lies in dedication. I like to eat vegetables and fruit, because it makes me feel healthier. Sometimes going for a run or a long walk isn't such a bad idea (especially if you music is included). So for today's post I decided to share with you some healthy lifestyle ideas which can be used in cases where you don't feel good about yourself!


I try to keep a healthy diet, but I don't eliminate everything bad from my diet (I still go to McDonald's once a month and eat chocolate). But eating healthy benefits your body. I had a lot of trouble with my hair, but since I'm eating better, it doesn't bother me anymore. And plus, if you want to lose a pound or two to feel better, why not? Change the soda with a smoothie, or a chocolate bar with oatmeal cookies. You'll feel better, trust me! Now here are some workout ideas. I do ab workouts and leg workouts every day for 15 minutes, and you can see the changes after one month!


Have you lost your inspiration? I like to keep some motivational quotes, usually not from fitness trainers or athlete stars, even Walt Disney has some good ones. But if you're sad and un-motivated, I also made sure that you will feel happy again! :)


So this is it for today's post! How'd you like it?

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